For my wedding, I thought about hiring someone to do my makeup. But to save money I decided not to look into hiring someone. A few weeks ago, Jessica was at Fry's and text me about a car sticker advertising a makeup artist. I looked up the website and was instantly excited!! I could not wait to call Sarah Painter. Sarah's passion for makeup, reviews, pictures, and prices were amazing!
I called Sarah for a run through and oh... my... gosh!!! SOO pretty!! I felt gorgeous! The makeup was simple, yet very beautiful. Just what I like. If you are wondering about pictures of the run through make up ... keep on wondering! If you want to see my oh-so fabulous makeup, you'll just have to come to the wedding!!
In the meantime, check out Sarah's website and remember her if you ever want fabulous makeup for a special event. :)
Kimberly Bright
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Meet the Teacher Night
Thursday night, Donovan and I went with Jarrett to meet his new teacher at Magma Ranch in San Tan Valley. Her name is Mrs. Archer and is very nice. Jarrett starts school on Monday, July 25th. This is a year-round school so it will be a new experience for all of us as none of us have attended a year-round school. Jarrett is excited for school to start and so are we! :)

Here is a picture of Jarrett ready for his meet the teacher night. :) So cute!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sacrament at Home
After church on Sunday before going back to my Mom's house for the night, Donovan, Jarrett, and I went to my house to have lunch and hang out for a while. When we got home, I see Jarrett breaking apart a piece of bread and asking me where the plastic cups are. I show him where the cups are and ask him what does he need them for? He tells me to have Sacrament! I think, "oh how silly of me!" He takes the plate of broken bread and cups of water into the living room and tells me "ok, it's now time for Sacrament meeting." I thought this was so cute!! He even said the prayers (well, sort of ... but did really good), handed out the bread and water, then got Donovan and I ready for the Sacrament talks. My talk was on the Holy Ghost, Donovan was to play the part of a member from the Stake Presidency, and Jarrett was ..... yes you guessed it - the Bishop! Jarrett did a great job putting together our little Sacrament at home. It was way too cute!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Families Are Forever
One of the greatest blessings The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints provide us is to forever be with our family: in this life and in the next life. My family is so important to me. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have and the truth that families are FOREVER!! I grew up with my parents always telling, "friends will come and go, but your family is forever." Although some of my friends I do consider my family, but my parents were right and in the end I will always and forever be with my family.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Hello, Hello!
Hi everyone. As we all know, I have never kept on top of all the blogging. But, I will do my best to keep it up and keep everyone posted on life events.
Let's see... where to start. First that comes to mind, is I am getting married! Yes, on October 15, Donovan Poulter and I will be married in the Mesa LDS Temple. We met in January 2011 and hit it off right from the start. Donovan has an adorable little boy named Jarrett. Donovan and Jarrett lived in Snowflake, AZ and in the end of May they moved to Coolidge, AZ to live with some family and so we could be closer together. He's an amazing man and I am truly lucky. :)Donovan said my hair kept blowing in his face tickling him. I couldn't stop laughing!
Let's see... where to start. First that comes to mind, is I am getting married! Yes, on October 15, Donovan Poulter and I will be married in the Mesa LDS Temple. We met in January 2011 and hit it off right from the start. Donovan has an adorable little boy named Jarrett. Donovan and Jarrett lived in Snowflake, AZ and in the end of May they moved to Coolidge, AZ to live with some family and so we could be closer together. He's an amazing man and I am truly lucky. :)Donovan said my hair kept blowing in his face tickling him. I couldn't stop laughing!

Donovan and I took Jarrett to the zoo in March. He loved looking at all the different animals.

Next, in April 2011, I had my commencement ceremony for school. My last day of school was July 4, 2011. I am now officially DONE WITH SCHOOL!!! Yes, everyone, I am finally a college graduate! Here are some pictures of my graduation from the University of Phoenix.
My amazing, beautiful sister Jessica took my graduation pictures. Isn't she fantastic? Check out her photography website!
This is my beautiful Mother and I. :)
This is my amazing fiance, Donovan, and I. He came down from Snowflake, AZ to support me. :)

Here is my amazing family!! (Mom, Jessica, me, Travis, Bode, and Alison).
My Granny and Paw-Paw from Florida also came to watch me graduate.
I'm so thankful for my family and all the support they gave me while I was attending school. I had many ups and downs, stressful days, and several emotional moments. They helped me get through it all and I can't thank them enough. Thank you, THANK YOU! :)
My sister in law, Alison, and my brother, Travis, are expecting their 2nd baby in August. I believe if Alison had a choice, she would choose the end of July. I'm so excited they are having another boy! My Bode will have a little brother!! I seriously cannot wait until he is born. :)
On Friday July 1st, I was heading to work in the morning and was involved in a car accident. I do not remember it as I suffered a concussion and two fractured ribs. My family once again were amazing and were by my side in the hospital and every day since the accident. From what I was told by my family, I was stopped behind a driver waiting to turn left in a one-way street. A car behind me did not see us stopping and tried to go around us on the right, but could not because of barricades. So he came back onto the road and hit me head on going about 45 mph. Thankfully I did not suffer any worse, but my car is completely totalled. I am healing slowly, but I am healing! Travis came down that Friday and he and Donovan offered me a blessing. I felt the spirit so much and am so grateful for everything my family and Donovan did for me.
That is pretty much all the main points of everything going on. So to sum up... my family is amazing!!!!
Now that I am not in school (yahoo!!) I do not have any excuses for not blogging much. But, I guess I will now with all the wedding plans. :)
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Personalized License Plates
I love trying to figure out someone's license plate. Makes it a fun little game while driving. However, sometimes it's so hard to figure out! When I'm with Jessica, I have the BEST time playing the license plate game ... she HATES personalized plates. :)
Today was a perfect example. The car in front of us had this on their license plate: L8YBG. Jessica said, "L-8-Y-B-G. I hate these..." I looked at it and said "Oh, that's cute." She glared at me and for the remainder of the red light she was trying to figure it out. "Late ... Why... B-G??? Late .... Why... BG?? Late, why? .. because I'm Big!" I almost wet my pants from laughing so hard!!! Sweet Jessica... I said "no, it's Lady Bug!"
Today was a perfect example. The car in front of us had this on their license plate: L8YBG. Jessica said, "L-8-Y-B-G. I hate these..." I looked at it and said "Oh, that's cute." She glared at me and for the remainder of the red light she was trying to figure it out. "Late ... Why... B-G??? Late .... Why... BG?? Late, why? .. because I'm Big!" I almost wet my pants from laughing so hard!!! Sweet Jessica... I said "no, it's Lady Bug!"
Sunday, October 24, 2010
I'm Baaaack!!!
Alright, alright ... we all know I'm not the best blogger on the block. :)
Life has been pretty crazy, hectic, and fabulous! I am still attending school at University of Phoenix (UOP) online and it's a love/hate relationship. I love it that I can do my homework on MY time and I am getting closer and closer to graduation every week (July 4th!!!). I hate it when I am working in teams and someone is procrastinating so bad I am staying up until midnight to post our assignment that is due at midnight! It is difficult to communicate mostly via emails and forums because some people do not know how to properly communicate through electronics. Words and phrases can easily be misinterpreted.
My perfect nephew is a little over 2 1/2 years old and calls me "Bebe!" Love the nickname!!! A couple weeks ago, Mom and Jessica took some time off and visiting Travis, Alison, and Bode. When Bode saw Mom and Jessica, he asked "Bebe?" or would ask "Bebe plane??" - wondering if I was going to fly into town soon. :( Sorry Bode ... I will be there next time - I PROMISE YOU!!!!!!!! Oh how I cried knowing he KNOWS me and best of all .. he missed me!!!! :) I sent him a picture of my through Mom's cell phone and she told me he looked at my picture and said "Hi, Bebe!! Hi, Bebe!!" Then took the phone hugged and kissed it. Oh doesn't he just melt your heart!?!!!?? 

He's such a happy little boy!! Love and miss you like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, this may surprise anyone that knows me (certainly surprised my family), but I have a cat. Yes .. me .. a cat owner. I was getting a little lonely at home and wanted a pet to keep me company. I REALLY wanted a dog, but with my busy schedule I thought having a dog right now would not be best for me. I wouldn't be able to give it all the attention and love I would want to. But, my trainer was wanting to get rid of some kittens her cat recently had and was giving them away for free.. so I thought what the heck?! Her name is Tiger Lily because she's a little orange stripped cat; but we all call her Lily. When she gets into trouble I have another name for her! I must say she has the FUNNIEST personality. She makes me mad, but she can sure crack me up at times!!
Life has been good. I know life will always bring us challenges and I'm grateful for an amazing family who is always there to support me, cry with me, laugh with me (ok, let's face it ... usually make fun of me - haha!), and willing to offer advice whether I want to hear it or not and whether it's good or bad. :)
Stick around... I'll write more later! :)
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